Each course offered at Illinois community colleges is classified according to a PCS and CIP code. The first digit of the Program Classification System or PCS code refers to the major programs (objectives) of a postsecondary institution. The major programs have been defined as:
1.0 Instruction
2.0 Research
3.0 Public Service
4.0 Academic Support
5.0 Student Services
6.0 Institutional Support
7.0 Independent Operations
8.0 Scholarships and Fellowships
The second digit in the code is used to specify subprograms. The instruction program contains the following subprograms. The highlighted numbers are ones contained in the generic course list.
0 General Associate Degrees (AGE, ALS, AGS)
1 Baccalaureate/Transfer Instruction
2 Occupational/Technical Instruction
3 Community Education (noncredit)
4 Remedial Education
5 General Studies (nonfundable)
6 Vocational Skills
7 Adult Basic Education
8 Adult Secondary Education
9 English as a Second Language (ESL)